All retail, restaurant, hotel and service employees working at The Bellevue Collection must register themselves and their vehicle(s) with security. Non-registered employees and those who park in customer spaces will be ticketed and/or towed. The registration process is completed by filling out a vehicle registration card. Employees can either drop off the completed registration card at the Kemper Development office or Security will be happy to visit your store to pick up the card(s). After filling out the registration card, employees can then park in the blue-lined employee parking area on parking level 4 along the West Drive.
To register for Employee Parking, click here.
Tickets will be issued if an employee parks in a customer parking space – regardless of the employee’s registration status and if an employee parks in the blue-lined employee parking area and is not registered.
When the upper level P-4 blue-lined employee parking area is closed due to snow, please park on parking level 3 directly below.

Special offers and discounts from shops and restaurants are available to The Bellevue Collection employees. To see all of the current offers, click here.

Choose to ride the bus and leave the driving to the bus driver! If you own a car, riding the bus to work or school is rewarding because it puts less wear and tear on it, you do not have to pay for gas and you can relax during the trip by reading a book or taking a nap. New to riding the bus or taking the bus to a new destination? The links below will make riding the bus a breeze.
Visit the King County Metro Website.
Includes fare and ORCA information, trip planning and more.
Visit the Sound Transit Website.
Includes fares and passes, rider guides, schedules and more.
Visit the Choose Your Way Bellevue website.
Includes information on City of Bellevue-sponsored transit events, walking, transit, cycling, car and vanpooling and more:
Learn more about the Cost of Your Commute to work.