Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the event located?

At Hyatt Regency Bellevue in the Evergreen Ballroom on Level 1.

Where do I park?

Parking is located in the garage at Hyatt Regency Bellevue.

Can I bring my own camera? 

Professional cameras are not allowed.

Where can I find the restrooms? 

Restrooms are located in the lobby, just outside of the pre-event space.

Is there a coat check? 

Yes, coat check is located across from the check-in counters.

I’m part of a group, do I need to wait for everyone to arrive before checking in?  

You can check in on your own or wait for your group.

What do I do after check-in? 

Enjoy appetizers, sips, photo stations and other activities in the foyer.

Need help?

Email and we will get back to you within 1 business day.